Friday 11 October 2013

Off the beaten track: CosmoCaixa Museum in Barcelona

It really saddens us that one of the best modern and interactive museums, CosmoCaixa in Bacelona, is  just an obscure museum unknown to most travellers. To be honest, we've discovered it completely by accident, as one of the cheap offers for BarcelonaCard users. And we decided to give it a try!

CosmoCaixa, a museum sponsored by La Caixa Bank. It was founded in 1981, and has been functioning ever since. It is basically a science museum of a new kind, where science is presented in a very approachable and easy-to-understand way. The main exhibitions showcase the environment, nature, science and space. There is also a Planetarium and many special lecture rooms for kids to play and discover the world.

View from the museum - the big spire in the background is Torre de Cosserola
What is so special about this place, you ask? Well, first and foremost, it's not a typical boring museum! All the exhibitions (maybe besides the geological one!) are amazing. There are many special devices that show you how some natural phenomena occur. But to be honest, hour most beloved part pf CosmoCaixa is the Rainforest. It's a special part of the exhibiton that consists of only one big room that has been transformed to resemble Amazonian rainforerst, with many differend species of animals and plants. What is more, the area where the museum is located (Tibidabo), is one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods of Barcelona. 

The entrance to the exhibition floor - an Amazonian tree
To sum up, whether you are travelling with children, with friends or on your own, CosmoCaixa is a must! The neighbourhood is amazing, the museum is worthwhile and just around the corner is one of the oldest amusement parka in Europe, on top of Tibidabo Mountain!

Different take of the tree
A happy Axolotl :)
Amazonian forrest - flooded part
A view of the physics floor
One of the houses in Tibidabo area

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